The Lamb of Bethlehem

Shepherds rude, their sheep attending—
Heav’nly host from sky descending—
Message grand of joy impending—
Came that night near Bethlehem!

Fear—then wonder—at the tidings
Of a Saviour now abiding,
Sacrifice of God’s providing—
Lamb of God in Bethlehem!

To His bed on knees a’bending—
To the town, their witness lending—
Went those men with joy unending,
And wonder reigned o’er Bethlehem!

Mary deep the mystery pondered,
That for men, like sheep who wandered,
Will His precious blood be squandered—
Jesus, Lamb of Bethlehem!

by Matthew Hanna

Copyright © 2006 by the author

May be copied for church or personal use. All other rights reserved.

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