Feb 5

Earthquake Update

This morning at about 4 a.m. local time, Marla and I were awakened from sleep by a strong earthquake. Here is the official notice sent out by AIT (the American Institute in Taiwan is the Taiwan equivalent of the US consulate):

On February 6 at around 4:00am, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and series of aftershocks […]

Dec 5

Christmas Prayer Letter

Recap of 2015

Our 2015 Christmas Prayer Letter is now available for viewing, downloading, or printing. Thank you for your prayers, letters, and financial gifts.

Jun 30

Beth’s Mission Report

Beth has just returned to us in Taiwan after spending 6 weeks with Mary and Hubert Broeckert in Cambodia, learning the ropes of medical missions. Here is her Cambodia Update letter, which she sent out before her return to Taiwan. THANK YOU to each church and individual who helped support her ministry with your gifts […]

Apr 23

Tenth Anniversary of Cornerstone Baptist Church

CBC 10th Anniversary

On Sunday April 19, 2015 we celebrated our tenth anniversary as a church.

History of Cornerstone Baptist Church

In July 2002, American missionaries Matt and Marla Hanna moved their family to the DzwoYing District of Kaohsiung with the goal of planting a new Baptist Church. With God’s help and leading, and […]

Dec 22

School Evangelism

Click on the image for more pictures

This year the Lord opened the door for us to enter two different elementary schools to present the Christmas story. In all, we sowed the gospel seed in the hearts of about 450 students in 15 different classes. It was also a training opportunity for many of […]

Sep 6

Baptismal Service

See more photos of our baptismal service by clicking on the photo (above).

Sunday we had a special baptismal service in which five individuals received baptism and became new members of our congregation. Every one of these individuals had been attending our services regularly for many months (or in some cases, years) but had […]

Jul 26

The Days of Our Pilgrimage

I’ve just returned from a one week teaching trip and I’m now trying to get reacquainted with my office! All told, I’ve been away from home for one and a half months. Our family left on June 7 for a long visit in the U.S. and returned on July 8. Summer youth camp ran from […]

May 4

Safely Home

Milton led the singing at Hope Baptist Church for 40 years.

We arrived home in Taiwan this morning safe but exhausted. Our flights were fairly uneventful. We did NOT have to wait on stone benches for a 33 hour layover in the Upper Zambezi airport. Although the Osama Bin Laden news broke on […]

Dec 29

Christmas Followup

Our program on Christmas night went well with about 150 in attendance. Thirty to forty were first time visitors. Dolly Wong directed the Choir in singing “The Mystery and the Majesty.” Afterward I brought a gospel message.

A new photo album containing pictures of various Christmas activities is now available for viewing.


Nov 26

When the Harvest Comes

26 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; 27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. 28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the […]

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